Monday, June 16, 2008

Populating TID

Today I decided to change the name of TID -Travel Information Database to – Travel Itinerary Directory (still retaining the abbreviation TID) to better reflecting the adjustment in the market place along with the changes in consumer’s behavior associated with tourism requirements.

No matter what name I attached to TID populating it still remains a hurdle that requires concentrated effort. The first time I realized that populating TID in the formatted structure I required was going to be challenging was when Neuro Nimbus (Development Company behind TID) finished their customization work in 2006 giving me the go ahead to input data.

tried inputting the information in the database manually but that was grueling, so I decide to streamline the data content to one specific geographical area leaving eight regions in TID without content.

Here are some of the options I’ve tried so far:

Visit library and photocopy business directories content then manually transcribe the information directly into TID.

Have my family browse online directories such as Yellow Pages,, and niche sites to copy and past content into TID.

Look into online tactics such as, scraping, mash ups, API and other extracting applications.

This is the state of TID to date; I continue to explore different options to strategically and economically populate TID.

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