Thursday, February 4, 2010

Travelpapers ia now a iNETGLOBAL Membership

I haven't submitted a news release or even talked much about my new membership signing with iNETGLOBAL on January 27th 2010. Bonnie Chang a good incredible lady friend of mine, that has a passion to attend and support a wide range of product and service introductions or promotional launchs - invited me to take a look at iNETGLOBAL back in either the end of October or beginning of November 2009.

Anyways fast forward to today... she never joined but I on the other hand I did three months after thought then and now that iNETGLOBAL's online marketing concept was unique, strategical and possibly adaptable to an new emerging online marketing trend.

Just like core concept iNETGLOBAL also takes into consideration the average population simplistic requirements, power of on/offline user duplication and leveraging capabilities. So, for me it only made sense to be part of riding the wave (fitting promo) with iNETGLOBAL marketing initiatives. Now that I'm a Gold member of iNETGLOBAL at a cost of $2,000.00 (gold member) in my judgment is the most cost effective entry level for me and the most common membership entry.

The good thing about iNETGLOBAL membership is its layered compensation structure (MLM) adjusting to individual or businesses budgeting reach . You can become a consultant member for $59.99 or a higher membership for $5,000.00 or if your budget doesn't accommodate for any capital expenditures you can still join for "FREE" and collect reward points. Its all about what you put in, is exactly what you get out.

For iNETGLOBAL is a good fit for an online market service.

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